With a smile of sharp white teeth.
She eyed him doubtfully,
For there were signs of drool beneath!
"I won't eat you, I promise",
he said again,
"Let's put the past behind us, and be friends"!
Miss Riding Hood thought,
'This might be good',
But Grandmother told her,
She never should.
"I'll never eat you, I promise,
Your bones will be too crunchy for me.
These days I prefer something juicy,for my tea".
"I don't believe you,
For you tell lies.
I know that ominous twinkle in your eye".
"Oh well..." Said the wolf,
"I will eat these chocolate bars.
I might have shared them,
If we'd gotten that far".
Chocolate, you say.
What type is it?
Tell me, pray"!
"It has cream and caramel,
With chocolate chips.
It would taste good, wouldn't it,
On your lips"?
Thinking for a second,
She stayed where she stood,
Just as Grandma had said she should.
'But a chocolate bar' she thought,
'I could just have one!
If things get out of hand,
I can always run'.
"OK, I agree,"
replied the Hood,
"After all, you did promise,
That you wouldn't eat me".
Holding out a hand,
Hood stepped nearer,
And the wily wolf,
Could see much clearer.
He gave her a bar,
While extending his claws,
Poor Hood forget everything,
She'd been taught before.
She turned her back,
And took another bite,
Suddenly sunlight turned to night.
Poor gullible Hood,
Gave a terrified cry,
And in her last moments,
She asked him why?
"Because wolves are wolves,
And my instinct is true.
I guess I would always eat you."
Fairytale enemies,
Can never be friends,
And Hood was never seen again.
(Image by ~Artylay on deviantART)

What a fun poem. I really enjoyed it and loved the ending. Thank you for sharing. Adron. https://thelostpoemsoftheunworthypilgrim.blogspot.com/