They shout.
"Care for the homeless.
Keep the lonely company"!
But where are they
The rest of the year?
Do they think the problems end here?
"It's Christmas"!
They shout.
All peace and love,
"Goodwill to all men",
So that stops in January, then?
"It's Christmas"!
They shout,
"Don't be greedy!
Share our time,
Help the needy"!
Someone with nothing,
They'll gather around her.
Come New Year,
She's "another 'Scrounger"!
It's all fakery
And blatant hypocrisy,
If you don't stick around,
To fight harmful policy!
"It's Christmas"!
They shout.
Well it doesn't need to be.
All it takes is a little empathy.

(Pic via Pinterest)