I predicted the election of Trump, and I predicted Brexit.
The 'experts' did not.
Over the years society has (in general), become more selfish.
In times of hardship and uncertainty it is -to an extent, understandable. It isn't excusable, but it's understandable.
When you add to that a drip feed of right-wing ideology via the media (on behalf of various elements of power- elected as a result of uncertainty and selfishness), you've got something long-term, and cyclical.
Each one feeds the other. It builds and builds.
Various reactions take place. Like Brexit, and Trump.
People look to an 'alternative' as a potential way out.
After all, nothing else seems to be working. The media told us so!
All those nasty, negative headlines...
Refugees - referred to as 'migrants' or 'swarms'- so that you forget they are people.
People with disability and illness labelled as 'scroungers' and demonised, so that there's someone else to blame, - besides the government and super rich tax avoiders, who are REALLY draining the various countries.
It wouldn't be in their interests for everybody to know that though, would it?
More demonisation.
More distraction tactics!
Anything to stop you thinking about what (or whom)is actually at the heart of it!
As a person with a disability, (I have Cerebral Palsy, and cannot walk or stand unaided), - Brexit terrifies me.
People with disability need the protection of EU Disability and Human Rights laws.
They aren't perfect but they're there, and we're suffering enough under Tory Welfare Reform policies as it is! - (See other blogs, or search: #EconomicMurder , #DWPCrimes , or #UNCRPD).
I predicted it. So did others. Ask yourselves why the so-called 'experts' did not?
Pic - via Google.