Monday, 17 December 2018

'A Fairy's Tale' .

From her spot
At the top of the tree,
Natasha stared down,accusingly.

Every year
They plonked her here,
For a few weeks at best.

She watched their fun,
Until Christmas was done,
Bottom of a box for all the rest!

It wasn't just that though.
For this year she was doubly cross,
When they took her out,
Her wings were lost!

Disappeared they had,
"Misplaced when moving"!
One disgruntled fairy, disapproving!

Her beautiful wings
of immaculate lace,
No longer perfectly sewn in place.

She'd like to pretend she didn't care,
But how could she fly,
If they weren't there?!

At that moment,
Lifted down,
Natasha noticed the little girl's frown.

"You've lost your wings"
The young one said softly,
..."But I've got an idea! Just leave it to me".

An hour passed
and Natasha felt rotten,
Once again fearing she'd been forgotten.

When she saw something silver,
Shimmering in candlelight,
She somehow knew she'd be alright.

"They're only tin foil"
The little one said,
"... I'll have to attach them,
With Sellotape instead".

So happy she could have cried!
New wings in place,
She glowed with pride!

Returned to her spot
At the top of her tree,
She shone in silver,
For all to see!

Helen Sims



(Image 'borrowed' from 'Google')