Wednesday, 6 September 2017

Jacob Rees Mogg -The Hateful Truth

Regular readers will know I have battled my local MP(Jacob Rees-Mogg)over Tory Welfare 'Reform'(and other austerity policies)since 2010.

These policies are known to harm and kill(in thousands) people with disability and illness.How does this fit with his view that life is 'sacrosanct', I wonder?!

Despite best efforts of many to raise awareness of his horrifying voting record(which you can see below), - he was re-elected, and now he's tipped as a potential Tory leader!


It seems that nothing can dent him, as people prefer to see his 'eccentric' personality rather than the reality of his voting record, and the hate he supports.

I am hoping that the clip I attach of an interview Mr Rees-Mogg gave to'Good Morning Britain', will finally help people see what this man is really like.

In it he stated his view that abortion shouldn't be allowed in any circumstance. Even those where a woman has been a victim of rape or incest! Such views are abhorrent and should be treated as such.

He also admitted (in the same interview), what many already know - that he does not support gay rights and equality.

As a constituent, (person with a disability, and long time campaigner) I am ashamed that this man (apparently) represents people in my area, and I hereby tell him, your views do NOT represent me!

I am also terrified by the possibility that he will climb the rungs of the Conservative Party. He has voted in favour of Social Security caps and cuts which have destroyed (and ended)countless lives.

He is even against the process that would assess their true impact!

With all these things, as well as this latest interview, I worry that views like his will increasingly become the norm.

Please, please, do not allow this to happen!


(Hoping links are clickable in this post. Blog format playing up)!

1 comment:

  1. I cannot write adequate words & phrases to match the negative thoughts & feelings that you as a disabled go through daily.I do want you to know that you are not alone & that their are many who recognise this creature that you have as your MP is a dark, selfish insidious being who is now being exposed publicly in a manner he finds surprising. Now at last many begin to know and recognise that you were the first to remove his invisible cloak of power.Pls know this Helen your written words on humanity go far out into this world & are heard by thousands of decent people. Keep up the good work with the talent that few possess to unveil this parody of a human being.
    My love & admiration go with you Helen always
    Martin WWW
